Friday, January 30, 2015

HoloLens | Holo Lens Studio Demo | Windows 10 | Microsoft HoloLens

This is truly incredible. Yes, it's first generation software/hardware, but it's an incredible step in the right direction. Uniting holograms, the world of 3-D and 3-D printing and software development.

Let your imagination run free!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Wish List: Portable Audio Recorders

These are great options for portable audio recorders. He didn't review the Olympus line-up, which I think rivals any of these in quality.

One thing to keep in mind: some of these have nearly unreadable displays, specially in low light or extremely bright situations. But they all sound great!

Wish List: Mirrorless 4K Video Cameras

As you all know, Geoff and I have several 4k cameras and camcorders. I have the Panasonic GH4 reviewed here and it's an increible camera and filming device.  The Samsun looks impressive too. Enjoy Mia's review...

As u

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wish List: Streaming Devices

I have three of these: Roku, Apple TV and ChromeCasts (my least favorite and most limited). Roku and Apple TV are great with excellent audio/video quality. Must haves for the gadget and entertainment system lover...

Wish List: Microphones for iPhones

Want to record great audio on your iOS device... This is especially true when on the road...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Panasonic Lumix LX100 Review

I am very tempted to get this camera. It would complete my cirrent Panasonic 3k camera and camcorder collection, all of which are great!  What do you think?

PS - don't tell Geoff, it may be too much for his heart! ;)

Ultimate Value Gaming Build Guide

If you're into building your own machines, specially video editing or gaming ones, here's a great tutorial from Linus on how to do this...