Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tech Down Over 19: Larry Jordan, Broadcaster

Tech Down Over 19: Larry Jordan, Broadcaster

Larry talks about his new studio, all the new gear, the addition of video to the Digital Production Buzz, and more.

Larry is a great medi trainer and his Adone Premiere CC, Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Audition CC among others.

Visit Larry's website at

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

eMediaChat 80: Shameer Ayyappan on Adobe eBooks

eMediaChat is now on both Vimeo and YouTune, for your convenience. 
This episode has Shameer Ayyappan, product manager for Adobe's eBooks initiative.

Friday, January 30, 2015

HoloLens | Holo Lens Studio Demo | Windows 10 | Microsoft HoloLens

This is truly incredible. Yes, it's first generation software/hardware, but it's an incredible step in the right direction. Uniting holograms, the world of 3-D and 3-D printing and software development.

Let your imagination run free!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Wish List: Portable Audio Recorders

These are great options for portable audio recorders. He didn't review the Olympus line-up, which I think rivals any of these in quality.

One thing to keep in mind: some of these have nearly unreadable displays, specially in low light or extremely bright situations. But they all sound great!

Wish List: Mirrorless 4K Video Cameras

As you all know, Geoff and I have several 4k cameras and camcorders. I have the Panasonic GH4 reviewed here and it's an increible camera and filming device.  The Samsun looks impressive too. Enjoy Mia's review...

As u

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wish List: Streaming Devices

I have three of these: Roku, Apple TV and ChromeCasts (my least favorite and most limited). Roku and Apple TV are great with excellent audio/video quality. Must haves for the gadget and entertainment system lover...

Wish List: Microphones for iPhones

Want to record great audio on your iOS device... This is especially true when on the road...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Panasonic Lumix LX100 Review

I am very tempted to get this camera. It would complete my cirrent Panasonic 3k camera and camcorder collection, all of which are great!  What do you think?

PS - don't tell Geoff, it may be too much for his heart! ;)

Ultimate Value Gaming Build Guide

If you're into building your own machines, specially video editing or gaming ones, here's a great tutorial from Linus on how to do this...